Business Golf Academy

Women must operate confidently and competently in a business golf setting as Golf is the Preferred Sport of American Business.

Sue McMurdy & Missie Berteotti, Business Golf Academy Co-Founders, speak and teach on all the pertinent topics for successful Business Golf Strategic Planning, Execution and Success. Clients will be prepared to say YES when invited to a business golf event and to receive a YES when issuing the invitation to key individuals for their most important business golf day.

We focus on the follow key areas

Custom Designed Events

Speaking Engagements

Golf Clinics

What You Can Expect us to Deliver On

A golfer cannot “read” their way to success in the game of golf just as a businessperson cannot rise to the highest levels of management without “experience.” The Business Golf Academy presents a learning environment that is experiential and interactive with plan development to start or continue a journey to peak performance. Yes you’ll be practicing!

Sessions led by Missie and Sue include topics presented regularly at corporate meetings and events with golf and fitness sessions based on the latest certification processes.

Attending a 3-day Business Golf Academy event is a unique opportunity to mix golf and business in one learning environment.

Sample Academy Agenda


Missie Berteotti

Missie Berteotti

14-year Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) veteran Missie Berteotti achieved great things as a collegiate and professional golfer, and now speaks across the country to leaders in corporations and associations…


Sue McMurdy

Sue McMurdy draws on more than three decades of experience and knowledge gained as a highly accomplished banking and technology executive to contribute to the Business Golf Academy…


A selection of photos from our past events


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